Ten Dimensions of Cyber Threat
Dr. Kamal Jabbour and Dr. Erich Devendorf have characterized the cyber threat the DoD faces. They describe threats as having these ten characteristics:
- Highly educated on the science of information assurance
- Doctrinally trained on the art of cyber warfare
- Adequately resourced in talent, time, and treasure
- Thoroughly briefed on target missions and systems
- Mathematically specialized in architectural properties
- Superiorly skilled in byzantine failure analysis
- Intricately involved in protocol specification and analysis
- Critically embedded in the supply chain
- Strategically postured in command and control
- Conveniently situated for access and persistence
The paper uses these points to demonstrate how an adversary thinks about attacking our systems. However, I see a lot of ways in which these should coerce the DoD to make serious changes in how we build and maintain our cyber professional workforce.
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