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The Unicorn Project

I recently finished The Unicorn Project and found it compelling, as was The Phoenix Project. I wanted to document some of the lessons it teaches, because they’re something I hope to keep in mind while leading a software development unit. These lessons are “the three ways” and “the five ideals”. The Three Ways My thoughts here are expansions of some of the excerpts at IT Revolution. Flow/Systems Thinking Amplify Feedback Loops Culture of Continual Experimentation and Learning Flow/Systems Thinking Consider the performance of an entire system instead of just a part.…

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An Elegant Puzzle (Part 3) (Chapter 5)

I’m continuing to read an Elegant Puzzle and chapter 5 discusses organizational culture. I think it provides some good actionable and concrete ways to think about culture, and most discussion I’ve seen about culture suggests that it is some mostly ineffable quality. Inclusiveness Will also thinks culture is difficult to reason about, but suggests two major components for fostering an inclusive organization: opportunity and membership. An inclusive organization is one in which individuals have access to professional success and development.…

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Radical Candor - Mark, Chapter Four

From “Radical Candor” by Kim Scott, Chapter 4: If Mark hadn’t decided on these OKRs, what would you all have planned to do next quarter? While Mark’s vision was inspiring, [one team member] felt it was unrealistic. […] They would be working 85 hours per week. […] He had badly underestimated the lag time in a system that made work less efficient than it should be. While Mark’s proposed goals made sense in theory, his team knew there were major obstacles that made his plan impracticable.…

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An Elegant Puzzle (Part 2)

I’m continuing to read an Elegant Puzzle and chapter 3 had some good considerations regarding defining teams and groups during a reorg that I think are good guidelines for building teams more generally: Consider team sizes and management spread. Can you write a crisp mission statement for each team? Can you define clear interfaces for each team? Can you list the areas of ownership for each team? Is each responsibility owned by a team?…

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An Elegant Puzzle

I’m reading An Elegant Puzzle: Systems of Engineering Management, by Will Larson, at the recommendation of a good friend, and wanted to take some notes on it. First, the book is gorgeous. I’ve got a hardcover copy via inter-library loan (thank you Meridian Library District, near Boise, ID, and thank you San Antonio Public Library), and the cover is bright white rough linen with black text and printing, and a black line drawing of a bush on the front cover reminiscent of an organizational structure, data structure, or actual organic bush.…

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Turn the Ship Around

I just recently finished the book Turn the Ship Around, and I don’t have anything insightful to say but I did want to recall some points from it. I found the book to be fantastic and insightful - I agree completely with Captain Marquet’s leader-leader style, and hope in future positions I can remain as committed and mindful as he was to creating environments like the one in the book. I think the practices in the book are very similar to those adopted by agile software teams and mission command leadership styles.…

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