The Plunger
A wooden stick with a rubber cone on the end can solve so many problems.
When the toilet’s on the fritz, But you’ve really got the shitz, You’ve got to plunge it. You’ve got to plunge it.

That cat clogged the toilet. PLUNGE HIM.
When your dinner’s in the pot, But your sink has got a clot, You’ve got to plunge it. You’ve got to plunge it.

Apply plunger to dinner. Throw dinner away.
And when the shower doesn’t drain, Don’t go get naked in the rain, You’ve got to plunge it. You’ve got to plunge it.

Take the plunge in the shower.
If your vehicle don’t start, Because the gas tank needs a fart, You’ve got to plunge it. You’ve got to plunge it.

Plunge the electric hookup. Do it. That’ll definitely work.
Computer’s getting worms, Don’t you worry bout those germs, Just plunge it. You’ve got to plunge it.

Plungers work on computers too. Apply to screen liberally.
Sometimes the boss man starts to growl, Pull that paper out your bowels, You’ve got to plunge him. You’ve got to plunge him.

Bosses really appreciate plungers to the face. It gets things moving through the digestive tract.
For when your baby starts to tire, Use the tool to stop that crier, Just plunge him. You’ve got to plunge him.

Johnson and Johnson approved - no tears.